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<Game Over & Over>

PC game

 Fundamentally, games can operate only to the extent of the initial programming made by the developer.Then, is it not possible for games to evolve on their own? Even for games designed with nonlinear levels, the player in the end has to conform to the programmed rules. Would it ever be possible for a game to develop itself within its algorithms?

 After contemplating about such methods, in the end it was concluded that the only way was to rely on the one unpredictable aspect of games – the abilities of individual players.In fact, it is impossible for an emergent evolution of abilities to occur with just a few lines of codes. If so, what about leaving it for the player’s evolutionary growth? I intend to make a game where the players feel that the game is alive. I predict the reactions of the players when the game characters act autonomously, disregarding the commands. It would seem like an ordinary side scroll game on the outside, but what if the characters are aware that they are game characters? What if the characters were aware that the only way to achieve their desires was through the players playing them? The characters will only follow the commands of the players that they decide can ensure their survival. They will judge with numerical figures found by evaluating, for instance, the accuracy of timing for when the keys are pressed for dodging obstacles. Then they will decide whether to listen to the commands or choose to disobey and die to find the next player. The game will seem like a life form with free will. An ordinary looking, side scroll game will be judging the players and wait for the one to arrive, much like the Excalibur waiting for King Arthur.

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